Toshiyuki Koune
1972年広島県生まれ。実家は祖父の代から続く普通の眼鏡屋家。一人だけファッション性の高い眼鏡に興味を持ち、カッコ良い眼鏡を扱うことを志す。2003年に独立し、国内屈伸のハイエンド眼鏡店へと成長させる。次第に理想の物づくりをしたいと考えるようになり、2012年にMr.Gentleman EYEWEARをスタートする。現在、活躍の場は国内だけにとどまらず、海外でも大きな評価を得るブランドへと成長させる。
Born in Hiroshima Prefecture in 1972. His family business is an ordinary eyewear store that has continued since his grandfather's generation. Only one person, Toshiyuki Koune was interested in fashionable glasses and aspire to handle cool glasses. It became independent in 2005 and grew into a high-end eyewear store with domestic flexibility. He gradually came to think that he wanted to make the ideal thing, and he estimated Mr. Gentleman EYEWEAR in 2003. Currently, it is growing into a brand that is highly regarded not only in Japan, but also overseas.